Sunday, August 21, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

I had Friday off of work because I worked the previous weekend.  So a 3 day weekend for me!  My best friend and I left Friday at 11 on a road trip to the lake.  It was also my county fair.  Our plan was to lay out Friday afternoon, then go to the concert at the fair (The Band Perry preformed!), then lay out again all day Saturday before he headed back home to our husbands and puppies.  Well, plan failed.  It was raining all day Friday.  So instead of laying out, we went to the fairgrounds and tromped around in the rain and mud....actually, it was kinda fun! :)  We had a snack of gyros, tacos, carmel apples, and cotton candy.  YUM!  Even though it is horrible for you, I LOVE fair food! 

We continued to walk around to look at some exhibits and pet some sheep and hogs.  As a kid, my friend and I were both in 4-H and had livestock at the fairs.  I was a sheep person, she was a hog person.  So we farm girls like to re-live our days in sheep/hog barns.  Actually, I have mixed feelings about the memories because at the time, I hated all the work that went into the animals and I just wanted to be off running around the fair with my friends rather than giving a lamb a bath!  But now, I like to think about those days and they were good times.  We also saw a all time favorite animal!  (Odd, I know.)  Anyways, we also went and watch a hypnotist with my grandparents. 

We came back into the fair in the evening for the concert.  It was still raining, but luckily we had reserved seats in the grandstand, which has a canopy over it.  So we had perfect seats, but most everyone else was standing out in the rain and mud.  Yuck.  The Band Perry was so good!  I have their record, so I was familiar with most of their songs.  We then finished the night with more food: fruit kabobs and grilled potatoes.  Mmmm mmmm mmmmmm!

Saturday I woke up to a beautiful sunset on the lake.  It was chilly until about noon, so we didn't get as much sun in as we wanted, but we still got golden baked tans! :) 

Now it's Sunday, a day of rest and cleaning.

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