Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Green Thumb

I love flowers and plants.  They do not love me. 
My mom is master gardener....literally, she took classes and earned the title "Master Gardener".  She always has beautiful, colorful flowers and knows how to put pretty combinations together.  So, naturally, I think this trait should be passed on down to me.  Not so much the case.  I'm being hard on myself; I'm not that bad.  But I have had to re-plant and re-pot many a flower.  So when something works, I'm very proud of it!  Here are a few photos of cute arrangements I've made lately:

These are succulents.  I've thrown away the little name cards, so sorry, I can't tell you their scientific names.  I love the pots they are in.  Too cute!  (FYI: This is my second attempt at succulents in these pots.  The first ones were dead within a few months.  I blame over watering and lack of sun.  So I've moved the new ones to the window sill and I will not be watering them.  Think they will live?! )
(Double FYI: Succulents are suppose to be extremely hard to kill.  Greeeeeeat for my self-esteem.)

This is my other little gem.  Again, I threw away the card, so I don't know the name of this plant, but one look at it and it stole my heart! So little and cute.  I found the container at a small gift shop and I bought the green moss to stick in the bottom for more color. 

As of now, everything is looking green and healthy....But I just planted them about two days ago.  Keep your fingers crossed for my little plant's lives!

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